Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (2024)

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Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (1)

By Tiffany Published Last Updated: October 25, 2023 59 Comments

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Homemade dry onion soup mix takes just 4 simple ingredients, so skip the store-bought packets and make this easy version instead. It’s easy, frugal, and delicious!

Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (2)

Growing up, my mom would almost always have a box of Lipton dry onion soup mix in the pantry. You could call it a childhood classic, or a home-style favorite (a lot like Stove-Top Mac and Cheese or Classic Shepherd’s Pie).

You can also call it unhealthy since it’s filled with additives, corn syrup, and processed oils.

So I set out to make a homemade copycat version of the classic flavor that we all loved as kids. No more fake stuff, no more packages, no more ingredients you can’t pronounce. And voila! This is even better than the store-bought version.

Not only is your family going to love this recipe, but this homemade dry onion soup mix recipe is awesome because it’s:

  • Healthy
  • Frugal
  • So much more delicious than store-bought packets
  • Super easy to make with only 4 main ingredients


Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (3)

You only need 4 ingredients for this homemade onion soup recipe mix, although there are several additional optional ingredients for added flavor.

  • Dried Onion Flakes. Also known as dehydrated onion and comes in various sizes, depending on the store you’re shopping at.
  • Onion Powder. Also known as granulated onion. This is a super fine powder that looks like garlic powder if you don’t read the label properly. (Ask me how I know!)
  • Ground Celery Seed. Not SUPER common, but necessary if you want that classic taste that only packaged dry onion soup mix can give. If you have whole celery seeds, you’ll want to grind them up with a mortar and pestle before making this recipe. (You can use celery seed in Homemade Chicken Stock and in Homemade Breakfast Sausage too.)
  • Beef Bouillon Granules. Be sure to check the ingredient list on your bouillon for chemical ingredients. Even some organic brands I’ve seen have MSG in them.
  • Granulated Garlic (optional)
  • Salt (optional)
  • Black Pepper (optional)
  • Sugar (optional)
  • Paprika (optional)
Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (4)


  • You may notice that I only listed 4 main ingredients so far. That’s because that’s all you REALLY need to make dry onion soup mix. All the other ingredients are optional.
  • I do, however, recommend adding the other ingredients listed because it really is good!
  • The only item I’d still consider “optional” would be the salt. Whether or not you add it depends on the type of bullion you’re using, and what you’re making. Remember that you can always add more salt, but once it’s in, you can’t take it out!

Psst! If you DO want to use salt, I HIGHLY recommend Ava Jane’s Kitchen because it doesn’t have microplastics (gross, right?) and it’s SO GOOD! Get all the benefits of “homemade” with this top-quality salt. Plus, you can get a bag for just 1¢!!

Step By Step Instructions

Step 1. Combine all ingredients in aglass jar.

Step 2. Use ¼ cup (4 Tbsp) in lieu of one packet of dry onion soup mix.

Step 3. Store in a cool pantry.

Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (5)


  • If you use this recipe for instant soup, use Homemade Stock or beef broth instead of beef bouillon and avoid the too-much-salt situation entirely.
  • To make this dry mix vegetarian or vegan, substitute vegetable bouillon instead of beef.
  • One ¼ cup serving is the equivalent of one envelope of dry onion soup mix.
  • This recipe is a bigger batch. Not massive, but you’ll get at least 3 servings out of it.
  • I like to make a big batch and store it in the spice cabinet in a re-purposed jar. Then I scoop out 4 Tablespoons (equivalent to ¼ cup) for whatever recipe I’m making (here’s how to remove the labels of your old jars).


Can I use onion powder instead of onion soup mix?

Onion powder is a component of onion soup mix. But this homemade onion soup mix contains other ingredients like beef bouillon, onion flakes, and celery seed for that classic onion soup mix flavor. Plus, optional flavors like granulated garlic, paprika, salt & pepper.

How do you make Lipton onion soup mix from scratch?

This recipe is the best homemade copycat Lipton onion soup mix recipe from scratch!

Is dry onion soup mix healthy?

Let’s look at the typical packet of Lipton onion soup mix:

Onions, salt, corn starch, onion powder, sugar, soy sauce (fermented soybeans, wheat, salt), caramel color, maltodextrin, corn syrup, yeast extract, high oleic sunflower oil, disodium guanylate, disodium inosinate.

If you cannot pronounce the ingredient name, it’s best not to eat it! Plus, corn syrup, artificial colors, and modified oils. No, thank you! This homemade copycat dry onion soup mix is your healthiest, easiest, and most delicious recipe!

Is homemade onion soup mix gluten free?

Most of the spices used in this onion soup mix are naturally gluten-free. Check the labels, especially on the bouillon, to make sure.

Does dry onion soup mix have MSG?

MSG has lots of fancy names. It’s also one of my top ingredients to avoid. Packaged dry onion soup mixes likely have MSG. This homemade version does not, as long as you’ve checked your bouillon labels carefully.

Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (6)


Use this healthy substitute for dry onion soup mix in any of these recipes:

  • Classic Slow Cooker Pot Roast
  • The Best Burgers Ever
  • Basic Roasted Potatoes
  • Mix with sour cream or Plain Greek Yogurt to make a French onion dip!

P.S…One of the core principles of my course Grocery Budget Bootcamp is making food from scratch when it makes sense. Homemade soup mix fits the criteria!


  • Homemade Seasoning Salt
  • Chili Seasoning
  • Homemade Italian Seasoning
  • Montreal Steak Seasoning


Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe

Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (7)
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★★★★★5 from 10 reviews

Onion soup mix takes just 4 simple ingredients, so skip the store-bought packets and make this homemade version instead. It’s easy, frugal, and delicious!

  • Author: Tiffany
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 mins
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: about 3 packets 1x
  • Category: Sauces/Condiments
  • Method: Combine
  • Cuisine: American



  • ¾ cup onion flakes
  • cup powdered beef bullion
  • 4 tsp onion powder
  • ½ tsp ground celery seed
  • 1 tsp granulated garlic (opt)
  • 1 tsp salt (opt)
  • ½ tsp pepper (opt)
  • ¼ tsp sugar (opt)
  • ¼ tsp paprika (opt)


  1. Combine all ingredients in a glass jar.
  2. Use ¼ cup (4 Tbsp) in lieu of one packet of dry onion soup mix.
  3. Store in a cool pantry.


  • If you use this recipe for instant soup, use Homemade Stock or beef broth instead of beef bouillon and avoid the too-much-salt situation entirely.
  • To make this dry mix vegetarian or vegan, substitute vegetable bouillon instead of beef.
  • One ¼ cup serving is the equivalent of one envelope of dry onion soup mix.
  • This recipe is a bigger batch. Not massive, but you’ll get at least 3 servings out of it.
  • I like to make a big batch and store it in the spice cabinet in a re-purposed jar. Then I scoop out 4 Tablespoons (equivalent to ¼ cup) for whatever recipe I’m making (here’s how to remove the labels of your old jars).


  • Calories: 20

Keywords: onion soup mix

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Reader Interactions


  1. Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (12)Joe

    Hello! I’m retired male. From time to time I use a diy onion soup mix using beef bouillon powder in the recipe. I use a tablespoon of the mix add boiling water and add 2 tablespoons of Minute Rice and let sit for 5 mins. Question can I use the same amount of chicken bouillon powder to replace the beef bouillon powder.
    I also make Roman Noodles discard the packet and use 1 tablespoon of the diy onion soup mix!
    Many Thanks

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    • Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (13)Brittany @ Team Crumbs

      Hello Joe,
      Yes, you can use the chicken bouillon powder to replace the beef bouillon powder. We’re so glad that you enjoy this recipe. Thank you for posting! 🙂

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  2. Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (14)Krystal

    Do you have a container that you store your diy seasonings in? I would love for my containers to match and be able to label them to make them look pretty. ☺️

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    • Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (15)Karen @ Team Crumbs

      Hi Krystal,

      We usually just use nice ball jars because they’re easy to find, pretty, and affordable. Hope this helps. 🙂

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  3. Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (16)Liane

    Two comments. Knorr ingredient include MSG. Also Penney’s has toasted onion flakes. Money saving tip: get on mailing list so you get their printed catalog. Has loads of good recipes but best of all they occasionally have free shipping with a minimum order. Their shipping is usually horribly high.

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  4. Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (17)Jakob

    I know this recipe has been up for a while but I thought I’d add a comment that I loved this. Worked so well.
    For the bouliion, I’m in the UK and there a brand of stock cubes (what bouillon is often called in UK) called kallo (www.kallo.com) which are superb. No artificial colours or preservatives. No added msg, very low salt, gluten and lactose free and coeliac friendly. If you can get hold of them they’re incredibly tasty

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    • Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (18)Tiffany

      Thanks for the brand recommendation Jakob!

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      • Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (19)Jerrie

        Tiffany, what boullion do you use? I thought they all had msg in them.

    • Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (20)Della Humphrey

      Jakob, you are a lifesaver! Thank you so much! I just ordered on Amazon.

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Effortless Dry Onion Soup Mix Recipe (Only 4 Ingredients!) (2024)
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